About Us

The Lord planted the seed for the family prayer bench way back in 2008 as a thought.  And then He lit a little fire in my heart in 2012.  I researched and found nothing of the sort anywhere.  I secured the domain name familyprayerbench.com and He even gave me the words to be displayed on the bench!!  And then I sat on it.  And sat.  And sat.  

Enter Coronavirus!  Lots of quiet time with the Lord.  Lots of studying the Word and journaling.  And as a lot of you know….hours and hours spent with the birds and the squirrels!!   Well, not only did the Lord light a fire in me….but He lit fireworks in my soul!  The Family Prayer Bench would finally come to fruition after 12 years!!  In His true fashion…everything just came together.  And here we are, getting to share the concept of family prayer with the world!  

It is our hope that you would make family prayer a priority in your home.  This bench can be a place set aside for time spent with the Lord as a family and even getting your own, personal time in with Him.  My family meets at the bench every evening for family prayer.  I use the bench as my place of study in the mornings.  And it is my greatest hope that “the bench” will serve as a safe space in our home where my soon to be teenagers will want to meet and talk.  

Lane and I have experienced, first-hand, how the power of prayer can change, and even save, a marriage.  And we are hoping to instill prayer as a priority in our children’s lives, hence this project is very near and dear to our hearts.  

On a personal level for me, prayer is a matter of life and death.  I am a recovering alcoholic and my recovery is dependent on a close relationship with the Lord.  Talking with and hearing from the Lord is top priority.  Of course, a Family Prayer Bench isn’t necessary for a conversation with God, but I can honestly say that having the bench displayed prominently in our home has been a blessing.  A place we have set aside for HIM.